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17. Bagel

17. Bagel


  • Fresh milk 55g 
  • Ice water 115g
  • Sugar 15g
  • Yeast 2g
  • Bread flour 300g
  • Salt 4g

Boiling Solution:

  • Water 1000ml 
  • Honey 1 tbsp


  1. Combine fresh milk, ice water, yeast, sugar, bread flour, and salt, knead into a dough.
  2. Divide the dough into 6 equal portions and let them rest for 10 minutes.
  3. Cut baking paper into suitable sizes. Roll each dough into a rectangle, then reshape it into a square, and roll it into a long strip.
  4. Pinch the edges to seal, flatten one end with a rolling pin, then wrap and seal the ends together to form a bagel shape.
  5. Place the bagels onto baking paper.
  6. Put them into the i8 Steam Oven and select "Ferment" mode.
  7. Bring a pot of water to a boil, add honey, then reduce to low heat. Place bagels along with the baking paper into the water.
  8. Use chopsticks to remove the baking paper. Boil for 30 seconds per side, then remove the bagels.
  9. Transfer to the i8 Steam Oven, select "Bagel" mode, and bake until done.


  • 鲜奶 55g 
  • 冰水 115g 
  • 砂糖 15g
  • 酵母 2g
  • 高筋面粉 300g
  • 盐巴 4g


  • 1000ml
  • 蜂蜜 1大匙


  1. 将鲜奶、冰水、酵母、砂糖、高筋面粉、盐巴混合,揉成面团。
  2. 分割成6等份,发酵 10分钟
  3. 准备烘焙纸,面团擀成长方形,再擀成正方形,接着卷成长条状。
  4. 收口捏紧,用擀面棍压平一端,另一端压贴黏合,形成贝果形状
  5. 放到烘焙纸上备用。
  6. 放入i8蒸烤箱,选择 "发酵" 模式。
  7. 水煮步骤:锅中加入清水和蜂蜜,水滚后转小火,将贝果连同烘焙纸放入锅中。
  8. 用筷子拨开烘焙纸,两面各30秒,然后捞起。
  9. 放入i8蒸烤箱,选择 "Bagel" 模式,启动即可。

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