With & Without Morse Robomate Robot Vacuum
When your house is in a mess, thinking of cleaning it yourself makes you fretful isn’t it?
Then just buy our Robomate Robot Vacuum!
Our Morse Robomate Robot Vacuum are able to control it using app, which it is different from old & bulky vacuum cleaner, it is also big and heavy, the wires are easy to get stuck around your furniture!
When you use a broom to sweep the floor, you must turn off the fan, otherwise the dust will not stay at the same spot. But it’s so hot, the hairs will be stuck on the broom
The most irritating part is when you did not notice that there is water on the floor, your hair will stick to the ground and it’s hard to sweep it (OS: Doing house chores is already troublesome, but why it makes things harder to be done)
Times have changed, we have to change too. Let’s get ourself upgraded with new technology!
Just use our Robomate Robot Vacuum, it will automatically recharge when the battery is drained.
Robomate Robot Vacuum can help you clean you house when you are busy with work/cooking/fetching your children. Robomate Robot Vacuum can lessen your house chores burden, so that you can spend more time with your family.
Robomate Robot Vacuum can clean up the dust that you can’t see with our naked eyes. You don’t have to worry when your child plays on the floor anymore, and you don’t have to suffer backaches from cleaning.
Isn't it great? Your mood will be better and you won’t feel unbalanced when you need to bear all the house chores all by yourself
All mothers and workers should buy Morse Robomate Robot Vacuum where you can spend a little more time for yourself!
(What is housework? It's none of my business anymore)
看到家里很乱 想到要自己打扫就很烦躁对吗?
我们家的扫地机可以使用软件操作 不像以前旧款的扫地机这样
不然就是用扫把扫地 就一定要关风扇 不然灰尘会飞来飞去
可是这样很热勒 头发又会卡着扫把
当你没有注意到地上有水,头发又会粘着地上很难扫勒(心想:做家务已经很麻烦了 还要这样搞我)
年代变了 我们也要跟着时代改变在家里不要用扫把和旧款的吸尘机了啦
用我们家的扫地机就好了丫 没电了会自动回充
你在忙着做工/煮菜/载孩子 它都可以帮你打扫
帮你分担家务 你就可以花多一点时间陪家人了
而且还能吸到你看不到的灰尘 小孩子在地上玩也不怕啦 也不用每天为了打扫而腰酸背痛
是不是很好?这样你的心情也会好一些 也不会心里不平衡 觉得只有自己为家里忙上忙下而已