You may refer to this user manual video before using =)
Chinese version : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLwgsBE1cAk
English version : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IODVWVz_nng
We also have listed down the important ‘to knows for operating Robomate.
1. We do not encourage adding any cleaning detergents/floor cleaner into the water tank as some of the detergents may clog the water holes and the performance of the moping function may be affected. (Adding any detergent that caused the water tank to clogged will not be included in the warranty)
2. We suggest that the Robot Vacuum charging dock is placed at the center of the house, preferably not blocked by any large furniture.
This is to ensure that the Robot Vacuum completes cleaning the entire open area and more efficient when routing back for recharging.
3. The manual book shows 100 minutes is the maximum time for a robot vacuum to work when fully charged, but it actually depends on your house size. If your house size is small, then the time taken for the robot vacuum will be shorter. Once done cleaning, it will directly go back for recharge, waiting for your order. Vice versa if you have a big house, the time taken will be longer. If the robot vacuum unable to clean all areas at once, it will go back to charge first, after charge, you may order the robot vacuum to clean again. You may schedule the robot vacuum in the app if you wish to clean it 2-3 times a day.
4. Before using the Robot Vacuum, we highly encouraged that all wires and small items (ie. Toys, mobile charging lines, etc.) need to arrange or put away as all these items will affect the cleaning of the Robot Vacuum.
5. The Robot Vacuum is equipped with an Anti-Drop function which will prevent the robot to fall from the edges with a height of more than 10cm. For those steps lower / less than 10cm, there will be chances that the Robot Vacuum will enter / fall / stuck (ie. Lower steps at the kitchen area or the toilet). Thus, we highly suggest users close the doors that have low steps/areas that the user does not want the Robot to enter.
Or as an alternative, users can purchase a magnetic strip that can prevent the robot to enter a certain area. (You may contact our customer service to add on this additional accessory)
6. This Gyro robomate does not have a mapping function, so you could not remote the robomate to clean up a certain area. Gyro robomate will only show the route that has been cleaned.
7.Switch on the side button on the Robomate body after fully charged.
8.You may register the product warranty through this link https://www.morse.com.my/warranty .
*You may remove the dust container and check the product serial number label inside the machine.
9. You may request the tutorial video and steps for linking the app with your Robomate with us.
App name: WeBack
10. Charging for a long time will affect the battery life, thus we recommend that the robomate must not be charged overnight
** Notes:
-The warranty includes all parts problems and repair costs. (If the defect is made by human error are not included in the warranty )
-The battery is a consumable accessory, and the power will decrease with the usage rate. Such as power reduction is excluded from the warranty.
-If you're located in West Malaysia, we will assign a courier service go to collect and check ya. (Only for 1st year).
If you're located in East Malaysia/Singapore, then need to bear the shipping fee return to us =)
#The above stated are the areas that users of Robot Vacuum need to take note of, it is not the quality problem of Robot Vacuum.
在使用之前,您可以参考视频教学哦 =)
中文版 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLwgsBE1cAk
英文版 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IODVWVz_nng
1. 扫地机的水箱只能加入清水,不能加入任何的清洁剂或药水。
2. 扫地机有高处防跌落功能,但是厕所/厨房等等的低阶梯 (低于10cm) 扫地机会进入,所以在打扫的时建议要把厕所门关上。
6.扫地机没有划分区域清理的功能, 扫地时app页面只会出现当下的清理路线。
7. 扫地机充满电后记得打开旁边的电源开关进行开机。
8. 可点击以下网址注册保家哦。 https://www.morse.com.my/warranty
*需取出尘盒,然后填写机身内部的Product serial number
9. 可以联系客服索取教程视频关于如何链接手机至扫地机
10. 长时间充电会影响电池寿命, 建议扫地机务必不要过夜充电。
- 保家包括所有零件问题以及维修费用。(人为损坏不包括在保家范围内)
- 电池为消耗品配件, 电量会随使用率减少。如电量减少不含在保修内。
- 免费双向运费回收检测仅限第一年。(只限西马)
- 东马和新加坡的顾客需要自费邮费寄回来公司检测哦