- Malay Chicken – 1 whole
- Seasoning wine – 1 tbsp
- Soy sauce – 1 tbsp
- Dark soy sauce – ½ tsp
- Oyster sauce – 1 tbsp
- Honey – 1 tbsp
- White pepper – ½ tsp
- Oil – A dash
- Poke small holes in the chicken, then coat it with seasoning wine, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, honey, and white pepper. Marinate for at least 2 hours.
- Wrap the chicken legs with aluminum foil to prevent burning, then place the chicken in the oven and select "Roasted Whole Chicken" mode.
- After 30 minutes, brush the chicken with honey oil and continue roasting until fully cooked.
- 马来鸡 1只
- 料酒 1汤匙
- 酱油 1汤匙
- 老抽 ½茶匙
- 蚝油 1汤匙
- 蜂蜜 1汤匙
- 胡椒粉 ½茶匙
- 食用油 少许
- 用叉子在鸡肉表面插小洞,然后抹上料酒、酱油、老抽、蚝油、蜂蜜和胡椒粉,腌制至少2小时。
- 用铝箔纸包住鸡腿,防止烤焦。然后放入烤箱,选择"Roasted Whole Chicken"模式。
- 烤30分钟后,取出刷上蜂蜜油,继续烘烤至熟透即可。